Help in practicing Islam.

Q. I took my shahada about 2 years aback and I have since backslided a lot in practicing. I love Islam and I will like to know what I have to do to get back on track. I am unable to practice as I would like to because of my job. I am a police officer. Please help me to be able to practice my deen.

A. The best thing to do is to recite the shahadah again, even though it is not necessary. However, by reciting it, you renew your faith and refresh your Imaan as mentioned by the Prophet (SA). It also makes you re-affirm that you are still a Muslim, even though you may have done things against the commands of Allah. You should then make an earnest effort to practice Islam. You should begin to perform your Salaah five times a day and uphold all the other acts of worship. Try your best to do as much as you can with sincerity in your heart. If you find that your job bars you from fulfilling your duty to Allah, then you should look for another job which makes it easy for you to live as a Muslim and be obedient to Allah. As Muslims, we know very well that Allah comes first in our lives. He is the Nourisher and Sustainer. If we do what pleases Him, then He will shower His blessings on us. We simply need to be firm in our Imaan (faith) and be practical in our actions.

May Allah make it easy for you.

And Allah knows best.

Mufti Waseem Khan