Is the person performing sunnat namaz allowed to recite Quran Jhahari?


As salaam alikum

Hazrath ji,

My question is regarding saying dua in sujood.

1) When one is performing farz namaz behind Imam, can he recite dua like Allahuma laka sajadtu, or Allahuma magfirli Dhambi Kullahu. or the muqtadi is limited only to subhana rabbil ala (i heard in hanafi fiqh, farz namaz tasib is limited only to subhan rabiyil ala)

2) Now if it is limited to tasbih subhan rabbiyil ala behind Imam then if one is perfoming Farz namaz alone or Khaza Namaz, is the tasbih in sujood limited only to subhana rabbil ala or is the person allowed to recite dua that are qouted above.

3) Is the person performing sunnat namaz allowed to recite Quran Jhahari when at home. Thanking you kind regards.


1) When one is performing the Farz Salaah, he should only say the Tasbeeh of Sujood in the Sajdah posture. (that is, Subhana Rabbi Al A’la).

2) This is the same if you are performing Farz Salaah behind the Imaam, alone (as a Munfarid) or if you are doing it as Qadha Salaah.

Duas in Sujood is narrated from the Prophet (SAS) with respect to his optional (Nafl) Salaah like Tahajjud etc.

3) When you are performing Sunnah Salaah during the day time then you should do the Qirat in a silent manner (whether you are at home or elsewhere). If you are performing the Sunnah Salaah of the night, then you have the option of doing the Qiraat aloud or silent.

(Kitabul Fatawa vol.2 pg.186)

(Al Hidaya vol.1 pg.116)

And Allah knows best,
Mufti Waseem Khan
