Muhammad (SAS) name you must kiss your thumb… is this true?


asalaamu alaikum


Recently I saw someone on facebook that posted something saying that whenever you hear the prophet Muhammad (SAS) name you must kiss your thumb… is this true?


Wa Alaikum As Salaam,

It is evident from authentic ahadith that when one hears the name of the Prophet (SAS), then he should recite the Darood (i.e. asking Allah to send blessings upon him). This is the correct thing to do and it is showing true love and respect for the Prophet (SAS). However, to kiss one’s thumb at this time (i.e. upon hearing the name of the blessed Prophet (SAS) is not evident form any sound or weak hadith. Hence, to practice this action thinking that it is from a hadith or it is sunnah, and to believe that it is showing respect to the Prophet(SAS) is wrong and is without evidence.

One must not practice this. This is also applicable to the state when the Azan and Iqamah are being called and the Muezzin says, ‘Ashadu Anna Muhammadar Rasoolallah’. Here also, one should not kiss his thumb upon hearing the name of the Prophet (SASA). In this regard, the great Muhadith Allama Jalaludeen Suyuti has written, ‘The ahadith which have been narrated regarding the kissing of the thumb and placing it on the eyes upon hearing the name of the Prophet (SAS) from the Muezzin in the ‘Shahada’, are all fabricated’ (Taiseer Al Maqaal).

It is therefore not from the Sunnah or from sound evidence that one should do this practice. (Fatawa Rahimiya vol.1 pg. 59,60)

And Allah knows best,
Mufti Waseem Khan
