I’d love to know that what is the best deed in Islam after the obligatory duties.


Assalamu Alaikum,

I’d love to know that what is the best deed in Islam after the obligatory duties.

Is the recitation of Durood upon the Beloved of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam) the best deed because of the massive reward for one recitation?

I’d love to know what the scholars have stated regarding this.

JazakAllah Khair


Wa Alaikum As Salaam,

After fulfilling the obligatory duties, there are many optional deeds and actions which have been referred to as ‘the best’ or ‘the most virtuous’.

All these deeds carry a great amount of rewards and blessings, and one should try to practice all of these as much as possible.

In a tradition recorded by Imam Bukhari, the Prophet (SAS) was once asked as to what is the most virtuous deed and he replied that it was ‘kindness and goodness to parents’.

In another tradition recorded by Imam Bukhari (AR), when ask as to what was the best quality in Islam, the Prophet (SAS) said that one should conduct himself in such a way that other Muslims are safe from the harms of this person’s tongue and limbs. It is also narrated that a man once asked the Prophet (SAS) as to which action in Islam is filled with a great amount of goodness, the Prophet (SAS) replied, ‘One who feeds others and greets those whom he knows and those whom he does not know.

In this way, there are many good deeds that have been referred to as ‘the best’ or extremely great and virtous. For example, performing the Tahajjud Salaah, reciting Quran, doing Zikr of Allah, helping the poor and needy, propagating Islam, building a mosque etc. etc.

One should try his best to do as much as he can in all the good deeds.

As far as the recitation of Darood, this is indeed a very great deed which carries a tremendous amount of rewards and benefits. This is such a noble deed that Allah Has revealed in the Holy Quran that He and His angels also send ‘Salat’ (blessings) upon the Prophet (SAS) and hence, He Has ordered the believers to do the same. So when one sends Darood upon the Prophet (SAS), he is participating in an act with Allah and His angels, which is indeed a very great and virtuous act.

The rewards to be gained are immense and one’s blessings keep on increasing continuously with the reciting of Darood. In one tradition, Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (SAS) said, ‘Whoever invokes one blessing upon me, Allah will confer ten blessings upon him’. (Muslim, Abu Dawood).

In another tradition, Anas (RA) narrates that the Prophet (SAS) said, ‘The person in whose presence I am mentioned should invoke blessings upon me. Whoever invokes one blessing upon me, Allah confers ten blessings upon him, forgives ten of his sins, and elevates his status tenfold thereby’. (Ahmad, Nasai’).

So, the recitation of Darood is very virtuous and brings great rewards, and one should try his/her best to practice it along with the other actions which are known to be great acts.

And Allah knows best,
Mufti Waseem Khan
