Husband and wife being friends with non Mahrams.

Q. Is it haram for a husband and wife to be friends with non mahrams on facebook? If not, is permission required to befriend such persons and wouldn’t such an allowance lead to Zina and seeking comfort in other persons rather than one’s own spouse etc?

A. Yes, it is haram for a husband and wife to be friends with non Mahrams on facebook. Even if permission is granted by one spouse to the other, it will still remain haram. A permission granted by an individual cannot change the law of the shariah. Such friendship surely leads to Zina and other unlawful actions and must be avoided by Muslims.

Seeking comfort in other than one’s spouse is also haram in Islam. This act eventually leads to a breakdown in one’s relationship with his wife, and ends up in divorce.

And Allah knows best.

Mufti Waseem Khan