Handshaking in Islam

Handshaking, which is known as ‘Musaafaha’ in Islam is from among the practices of the Messenger of Allah (SA) and one which was done by the companions of the Prophet (SA).

According to a tradition recorded by Imam Tirmizi, it is known as the completion of the greeting to one another. Abu Zarr (RA) said, ‘Whenever I met the Messenger of Allah (SA), he made ‘Musaafaha’ with me’. (I.e. he shook hands with me) (Abu Dawood).

According to several traditions, it is evident that this act of handshaking is one which has special virtues in it. In a hadith recorded by Imam Tirmizi and Abu Dawood, it is narrated that the Prophet (SA) said, ‘Whenever two Muslims meet and then shake hands with each other, their sins are forgiven before they separate’. (Imam Tirmizi has graded it as a Hassan (good) hadith). Another tradition recorded in Mishkaat from Ata (as a Mursal tradition) informs that (Musaafaha) handshaking between Muslims helps to remove ill feelings which they may have for each other.

Handshaking (Musafaha) is normally done at the time of meeting another Muslim after the greeting of Salaam has been given. (As recorded in Mirqaat by Mulla Ali Qaari and Allama Nawawi in Al-Azkaar). At this time it is also recorded that one can pray for the forgiveness of each other. Bara Bin Azib (R.A.) has narrated that the Prophet (S.A.S.) said, ‘When two Muslims meet and shake hands with each other, then praise Allah and seek forgiveness from him, both of them will be forgiven’. (Abu Dawood)

Should Musaafaha (handshaking) be done with one hand or both hands? In this regard some scholars have stated that it should be done with one hand, while others have mentioned that it should be done with both hands.

Generally, although scholars have allowed both ways, many have given priority to handshake with both hands, stating that this is what is established as the practice of the Prophet (SA) and hence is deemed to be ‘Sunnah’.

In this regard, these scholars have cited the chapter which has been mentioned by Imam Bukhari in his Saheeh under the heading ‘The Chapter of Musaafaha (handshaking). Abdullah Bin Masood (RA) said that the Prophet (SA) taught me the Tashahhud and my hand was between his both hands’. Here, Imam Bukhari mentioned the statement of Ibn Masood under the chapter of Musaafaha (handshaking) which goes to show that he has used this statement as part of the evidence for ‘Musaafaha’. Additionally, it is clear that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.S.) used his both hands.

Further to this, Imam Bukhari has mentioned another chapter in connection with ‘Musaafaha’ which states ‘the chapter of taking the both hands (in Musaafaha, handshake)’. The scholars have mentioned that here, Imam Bukhari makes it clear that handshaking should be done with both hands. It is for this reason, he has included the action of the great Tabi’ee, Hamad bin Zaid (AR) under this chapter by saying, ‘and Hamad bin Zaid did (Musaafaha) handshaking with Abdullah bin Mubarak (AR) with both his hands’. Both of these were from among the great Muhadithin of the Salafus Saaliheen (Pious Predecessors) and hence their action has been quoted as evidence by Imam Bukhari to show that handshaking should be done with both hands.

It is recorded by Sheikh Shihabudeen Ahmad Efendi in his famous work Majaalisul Abraar, ‘The Sunnah in handshaking is that it should be done with both hands’. (Pg. 298)

In Shami, it is mentioned, ‘It is Sunnah that it be done with both Hands’ (i.e. handshaking). (Vol. 5 – Pg. 336)

In Faidhul Baari (the commentary of Saheeh Al Bukhari) it is written, ‘The chapter of Musaafaha (handshaking). Know that the complete Sunnah in this is that it should be done with both hands, hence, Imam Bukhari has brought the chapter of ‘Taking both hands’ and has also mentioned the Athar (narration) of Hamad bin Zaid’. (Vol. 4 – Pg. 411).

Similarly in the book, ‘Al Fiqhul Islami Wa Adillatihi’ by Al Ustaz Dr. Wahba Az Zuhaili, it is written, ‘The Sunnah in Musaafaha (handshaking) is with both hands’. (Vol. 4 – Pg. 2660).

In Majmoo’atul Fatawa by Allama Abdul Hai Al Lakhnawi, he writes ‘All the Fuqaha (jurists) have stated that Musaafaha (handshaking) with both hands is considered as the Sunnah (Pg. 117).

It should be noted that ‘Musafaha’ is commendable for both men and women. That is, the rewards will be equally given to women when they shake hands with each other and also to men when they shake hands with each other. It is however not permissible for men to shake the hands of women. (i.e. those who are not related to them through blood or marriage). This is totally Haram (unlawful) according to all scholars and is evident from sound and authentic traditions.