Eid Greetings from Darul Uloom

Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Islam is a complete way of life which when applied in one’s life would bring peace and happiness. Part of the religion of Islam is to celebrate ritual occasions as has been established in the Shariah.

One such occasion is the festivity of Eid ul Fitr, the celebration at the end of the month of Ramadaan which symbolizes the end of the fast.

Each Eid has it own joy and happiness. There is good cheer, merry making and expression of words of ‘Barakah’ – blessings. Each Muslim with love in his heart bidding another – ‘Eid Mubaarak’, ‘Eid Saeed’. ‘May you have a blessed Eid”, ‘An auspicious Eid’

There is warmness, affection and friendliness for one another being shown with the shaking of hands, hugs and kisses.

On this blessed and most auspicious occasion, the entire management, staff, workers and students of the Darul Uloom wishes to extend a most heartfelt and sincere Eid Greetings to the entire Muslim Community. May this day bring joy and happiness, harmony and togetherness to the lives of all Muslims. We express our wholehearted and sincere thanks to you for your continuous support towards the Institute.

We pray that Allah bless you and your family in all your endeavors with His choicest blessings and enter you in Jannah.

Eid Message from The Principal / Chairman of Darul Uloom

Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.

Alhamdulillah, all praises are for Allah, the Most Compassionate who has allowed us to complete a blessed month of fasting and worship through His boundless grace and kindness. It is through His will and control the entire universe revolves and it is only through His will that we are alive until this moment so that we could have spent the sacred month of Ramadaan in devotion and prayer.

We also ask Allah to send peace, blessings, greetings and salutations to the most honoured and respected Prophet, the crown of Allah’s creation, Muhammad (SA), through whose efforts, struggles and sacrifices Allah has brought perfection and completion to the religion of Islam. We beg Allah to cause us to walk in his footsteps and follow his blessed practices so that we can make a rightful claim of being his followers.

My dear Muslims, this day of Eid is indeed a very happy and joyous occasion which we have been given in Islam. Although it is a day which marks the beginning of a new month (i.e. Shawaal) and the completion of the blessed month of Ramadaan, it is also a festival which the Prophet (S.A) has asked us to celebrate.

While this celebration is connected to the fact that a Muslim has successfully completed a month of fasting and other forms of worship, it should be borne in mind that the real joy and happiness should be connected to the fact that on this day of Eid a believer is given his full rewards by Allah for having done an excellent job in the month of Ramadaan. It is for this reason it is called ‘the day of prize giving’.

Let us look at what really happens on the day of Eid while we all become preoccupied in the activities of the day.

In a tradition recorded by Ibn Hibban and Imam Baihaqi, Abdullah ibn Abbas (R.A) states that the Messenger of Allah (S.A) said, “On the morning of Eid, Allah sends down the Angels to all lands of the Earth, where they take their positions on all the streets and lanes, calling out with a voice that is heard by all except Men and Jinn; “O Nation of Muhammad, come forth from your houses towards the Lord, Who is Noble and Gracious, Who grants abundantly and pardons the major sins”.

When they proceed for their Eid Salaat, Allah says to the Angels, “What indeed is the reward of that worker who has rendered full service?” The Angels reply, “O our Lord and Master, it is only right that he should receive his reward in full for his services”. Allah then says, “I call you to witness O My Angels, that for their having fasted for Me during the month of Ramadhan, and for their having stood before Me in prayer by night, I have granted to them as a reward My pleasure and have granted them forgiveness.

“O My servants, ask now of Me, for I swear by My Honour and Greatness, that whatsoever you shall beg of Me this day in this assembly of yours for the needs of the Hereafter, I shall grant you; and whatever you shall ask for your worldly needs, I shall grant what is to your advantage. By My Honour do I swear, as long as you shall obey My Commands, I shall cover up your faults. By My Honour and Greatness do I swear, that I shall never disgrace you in front of the transgressors and disbelievers. Return now from here, you are forgiven. You have indeed pleased Me and I am pleased with you”.

This tradition gives us a great amount of information of the type of joy and happiness which should enter the hearts of the believers. It is not one which is normally expressed by wearing beautiful garments or enjoying sweet dishes, instead it is one which is felt in the heart and expressed with tears of happiness.

While enjoying these great rewards on this day, we should also use this day to reflect on our affairs and our state as Muslims.

It is indeed a sad and frightening state to see the injustice and oppression which have been unleashed on the Muslims in different territories. This state is one which must create a worry for those who consider themselves to be true and sincere Muslims. After all, we are united into one brotherhood and are not divided by race, language or territory.

‘You are but one nation’; ‘All Muslims are brothers’; ‘A Muslim is a brother to another Muslim’, are only a few of the beautiful messages from the Quraan and Ahaadith which continue to remind us that we must never be disunited nor divided. How sad it is that many have not paid heed to Allah’s instructions and are suffering the consequences of their actions.

In the recent past, we have seen mass destruction of innocent lives of many Muslims, both old and young, merciless killings and murders, Masjids being destroyed and the list goes on. Unfortunately with all these, there has been hardly any help from Muslims across the globe. This is simply a result of the disunity and disharmony which exists in the Muslim nation today.

Even in our country and elsewhere, there are many disputes, differences, internal wranglings and quarrels. People have began to openly condemn and criticize each other as if it is a new art of propagating Islam. The question is, ‘Where do these take us?’ ‘How do the Muslims benefit from the selfish, ignorant and irrational behaviour of individuals?’ ‘How does Islam benefit from such behaviour? And what pattern are we leaving for the younger generation?’

Allah warns us of this behaviour in the Holy Quraan by saying “and do not dispute lest you fail and your strengths depart”. (8:46)

The truth is that Muslims continue to fail (as in our present case) and it seems that we do not have any strength anymore which is all due to the disputes and differences that we have among ourselves.

It is time that we realize that the only way of regaining strength and stability is through unity and togetherness. Besides this, there is no other way to regain the lost glory of Islam.

We must stop the condemnation and criticisms and try our best to do that which is beneficial for Islam and the Muslims. Instead of identifying the faults, we should look at the good and support each other in works of righteousness and piety. As Muslims we should always be sincere, honest and truthful to each other. Let our peace greetings, Eid greetings and our smiles come truly from the heart and not only from the external limbs. In general let us all continue to live with the beautiful lesson which we have learnt from the blessed month of Ramadhan.

We must also understand that ‘unity and togetherness’ upon falsehood and transgression is totally haraam and unlawful in Islam. As such, we as Muslims must unite only on that which is good. The Prophet (S.A) told us that the best words are the words of Allah and the best gift is the gift of himself (i.e. the Prophet S.A).

As Muslims, our unity and togetherness must be based upon the teachings of the Holy Quraan and that of the beloved Messenger of Allah (S.A), knowing at the same time that Allah has used many of His servants to transmit this knowledge from one generation to another. As such we must also love and revere those whose knowledge, understanding and services for Islam have been accepted by the Ummah as a whole like that of the Imams (leaders) in the field of Hadith, Tafseer, Fiqh, Qiraat and many others. As Muslims we must refrain from using our tongues to chastise those whom Allah has favoured with honour and respect. Instead of staining our souls with sins through backbiting and slandering, we should look at our condition and check the level of our knowledge and also ask ourselves the question as to what are we doing for the uplift of Islam and the Muslims.

We have seen that many of the condemning statements which are used are based on one’s ignorance of the true knowledge of Islam. As such, Muslims should make an extra effort to learn Islam as much as possible. Knowledge is indeed a light and with this light the darkness of ignorance would surely disappear from our hearts. In this way our hearts would be cleansed from hatred and malice and our tongues would be free from wrong statements.

May Allah Ta’ala bless each and everyone on this special occasion of Eid.

Eid Mubarak

Mufti Waseem Khan
Darul Uloom

What have we learnt from Ramadaan

All praise is due to Allah Almighty who is the benefactor of every favor. Peace and salutations upon the final Messenger of Allah to mankind, Muhammad (SA) who came to teach us how to be grateful to Allah, our creator, for the favors He has bestowed on us. The favors of Allah may be of a physical nature like limbs, children and the sending of rain or they may be of an abstract nature like having peace of mind, understanding and contentment. It is incumbent that one acknowledges that both these types of favors are gifts from Allah and that he must be thankful to Allah for them.

Having witnessed the month of Ramadaan is indeed a great favor from Allah. The month came as a season of blessings, mercy and forgiveness. Many muslims prior to Ramadaan were in great expectation to live until the most blessed month arrived in order that they would benefit from the treasures of Ramadaan but the angel of death visited them and they were not spared the time. Many had elaborate plans for worship in the month but sickness overpowered them and these plans were dashed. So we thank Allah for having given us the opportunity to live and to worship during this month for we do not know if the next Ramadaan will avail us.

The month of Ramadaan was indeed welcomed with great zeal and enthusiasm. The feeling of joy and happiness filled the heart when the new moon was sighted to commence the month. Likewise there was an atmosphere of joy and happiness when the month of Ramadaan came to an end and the moon for the commencement of Shawwaal was seen. This signified the completion of a month of spiritual training and moral rectitude as it ushered the coming of the day of Eid ul Fitr. On the completion of the month of Ramadaan there is delight and contentment with a deep satisfaction of achievement in the fulfillment of Allah’s commandments to fast and worship. This occasion of joy and festivity is celebrated on the day of Eid as a day of remembrance.

Allah Almighty says in the Quraan: “ Allah intends ease for you and He (Allah) does not intend difficulty upon you. (He wants that) you complete the number (of days) and that you celebrate His greatness (with Takbeer – saying of Allahu Akbar) for having guided you so that you may be grateful to Him.” (2:185)

Muslims remember the blessings and favors of Allah Almighty on Eid with the Eid prayer and convey praise and salutation for Him. Eid is also the time to celebrate the triumph of divine allegiance and increased religious devoutness over trivial and insignificant desires and needs of life. Eid celebrates the act of forgiveness, as Allah confers mercy and forgiveness to all those who approach him with sincerity. After the month long fasting Eid signifies a renewal of faith, hope, happiness, cheer, compassion and festivity.

Muslims should however not forget the significance of the fast of Ramadaan. Allah highlighted the objective of fasting in the Quraan:

“O you who believe fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed to those before you that you may learn Taqwa (piety).”

Taqwa is an Arabic word which constitutes the core of all spiritual achievements and uplift. It includes in its meaning – piety, God-consciousness, self restraint, fear of Allah and sincerity. Thus the fast in Ramadaan creates piety which is a moral quality and a product of intense love and fear of the Creator. Love of Allah is produced in the heart by a strong faith in His flawless Being and a deep consciousness of His perfect attributes of mercy, beneficence and compassion. Fear is produced by our consciousness of His wrath, displeasure and chastisement. The resultant feeling of the heart, mind and body is piety (taqwa) which is indeed the basis of sincerity and all good acts and a deterrent against all evil acts and inclinations.

Therefore during the month of Ramadaan, Muslims engaged abundantly in such actions which attract the mercies and love of Allah, like fasting during the days; Salaah – compulsory as well as commendable like Taraaweeh, Tahajjud, etc; Dua (supplications); Dhikr (remem-brance of Allah); Tilaawah (recitation of Quraan); Charity – Compulsory Zakaah and optional Sadaqah; and other virtuous qualities such as patience, sincerity, sympathy, compassion and self-sacrifice.

On the other hand many unworthy actions and degrading qualities were avoided fearing the wrath and chastisement of Allah, such as fighting, quarrelling, backbiting, slander, lust, lying, pride, anger, deceit, ungratefulness, etc.

The training in Taqwa is meant to empower man with the ability to continue in obedience to Allah and Prophet Muhammad (SA) even as Ramadaan has come to an end. The virtuous acts done during Ramadaan should be continued in the months which follow and likewise the sinful and disliked acts and vices that were avoided during Ramadaan should also be avoided after it. Muslims should keep their guards up and beware of the many tricks of Shaitaan who would incessantly lull and influence them into disrepute, immorality and into the abyss of sins.

The true test of Taqwa learnt is to be constant upon these lessons in the future. The Prophet (SA) said: “ The most beloved action to Allah is maintaining constancy (upon a virtue) even if it be of a small amount.” (Bukhari)

In another Hadith narrated by Sufyaan ibn Abdullah Ath-Thaqafi who said: I said: “O Messenger of Allah (SA), Advise me in Islam such an advice about which I would not ask anyone beside you!” He (SA) said: “ Say – ‘I believe in Allah’ and then become steadfast.” (Muslim, Tirmidhi)

The statement of the Rasuul (SA) should be understood as an advice towards a virtue which he (SA) gave to the Sahabah (RA) that he should be steadfast upon faith in Allah as well as in the conditions of faith. Similar to the virtue of faith in Allah, the advice can also be applied to any virtue, that one should also become steadfast upon it.

Allah Ta’aala encourages the believers to develop the quality of steadfastness in good actions by mentioning the benefits of constancy in virtuous deeds. The Quraan states:

“Verily those who say: ‘Our Lord is Allah’ then they become steadfast upon it. The angels would descend to them (at the time of death) saying: ‘Do not fear (of the matters ahead of death) and do not grieve (of the matters of the world). But glad tidings (to you) of the Paradise which you have been promised. We were your guardians/companions in the worldly life and (will be your companion in) the Hereafter. For you is whatever your souls desire and whatever you beckon. A hospitable place (for you) from the Most Forgiving and Most Merciful.” (41:30)

One must therefore apply the many lessons of Ramadaan in his life with constancy and then become hopeful of the magnificent rewards which Allah has promised in the verse. Such steadfastness leads to a death with Imaan (faith) in Allah and also of the glad tidings by the angels of the Paradise and the many benefits therein.

Worship in the month of Ramadaan should have brought about a zeal to please Allah in all our actions and undertakings. The questions may have arose, “How do we please Allah? What action pleases Allah? What action does not please Allah?” The answers to these questions as well as many others would only be solved with sound knowledge. During the month one would have made the effort to learn the breakers of fast, the things which do not break the fast, the acts disliked while fasting, the laws of Salaah, Zakaah laws pertaining to the day of Eid, Sadaqatul Fitr, Duas (supplications), Verses of the Holy Quraan, etc. All these are being learnt only to safeguard our acts and rituals of worship so as to please Allah. Pleasing Allah does not stop with the end of Ramadaan and likewise seeking knowledge should also not stop at the end of Ramadaan. We would still need to know about the many aspects of our deen (religion) as it affects our lives such as trade, marriage, divorce, inheritance, social rights, funerals, etc. as well as to enhance that which we had already started in Ramadaan. Therefore, even after Ramadaan Muslims should persist in their sacrifices and efforts for the sound and pristine knowledge of Islaam as this would be essential for actions attracting the pleasure of Allah.

The day of Eid is a day of prize giving. Allah gives us abundant rewards for fasting the month and for our worship and devotion to Him. We also should reciprocate with gifts to relatives, friends, children, elders and the indigent. This would foster love, compassion and spirituality at all levels in the society by enhancing family unity and well-being, social and community unity and well-being, and at large the entire nation becomes influenced with the Islamic spirit of happiness and peacefulness.

May Allah bless all of us on this joyous occasion of Eid.

Whats happening at The Darul Uloom

Alhamdulillah, through the grace and mercy of Allah, the Darul Uloom Trinidad and Tobago, which has been established since 1984, is rendering an invaluable service to Muslims throughout the Western Hemisphere in the field of Islamic Education.

The main objective of the Institute is to impart a sound Islamic as well as Academic education along with good morals and etiquettes to those who attend the Institute.

In public schools where lewdness, crimes and violence are commonplace, our institute offers a stable environment where values like discipline, good conduct and morals are entwined within the curriculum, so that our graduates will be able to face the moral and spiritual challenges of our society.

Through these efforts it is hoped that the teachings of the religion of Islam will be established in its pristine purity throughout this land and around the world.

The Darul Uloom strictly abides by the teachings of the Quraan and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SA), as was expounded and interpreted by the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah (Sunni Muslim / Main stream Muslim).

Likewise the Darul Uloom accepts the pious predecessors of Islam (Salafus Saaliheen). In this regard the Darul Uloom accepts the four renowned Mazhabs (Schools of Islamic Jurisprudence – i.e. Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’e, and Hambali) as ‘truth’ and has adopted the practice of the Hanafi Mazhab.


The Darul Uloom consists of a Boys’ College at Rashaad Avenue, Mon Plasir Road, Cunupia and a Girls’ College at Cunupia Street, Southern Main Road, Cunupia. Both institutions offer full-time and part-time tuition and have facilities for boarding.

At present, full-time enrolment at the Boys’ College is one hundred and twenty-five of which fifty are resident on the compound. This includes twenty foreigners.

The foreign students (males and females) for this school year are from Bermuda, United States of America, Canada, England, Dominica, Guyana, St. Vincent, Suriname and Jamaica.

There are twenty-one members of staff at the Boys’ College.

The present enrolment at the Darul Uloom Girls’ College is one hundred and sixty-one of which fifty are boarding. This includes twenty-five foreigners. There are eighteen members of staff at the Girls’ College.


Full-time Secondary Programme (Five years)

This programme is offered to students who have completed a primary school education. A comprehensive secular and Islamic syllabus is taught up to O’level. Subjects include English Language, Mathematics, Computer Studies, Social Studies, Biology, Chemistry, Principles of Business, Principles of Accounts, Arabic Language, Islamic Jurisprudence, Islamic Beliefs, Islamic History, Quraanic Studies, Hadith Studies, Translation of Quraan and Hadith and Intonation and Memorization of the Holy Quraan.

Eight-Year Aalim Programme (Full-time)

Upon the successful completion of the five-year programme, students can continue for a further three years in order to complete a B.A. degree course (Aalim). This further three-year programme consists of extensive studies in Hadith, Tafseer, Fiqh, Balaagha, Mirath (Islamic Inheritance), Seerah, Islamic History, Usool of Hadith, Usool of Fiqh and Usool of Tafseer. A’ level subjects are also offered along with the programme.

Five-year Aalim Programme (Full-time)

This programme is offered to students who have a desire to study only Islamic studies after successfully completing their academic studies elsewhere. It culminates in the award of the B.A. degree in Islamic Studies (Aalim).

There are one hundred and six students (Boys and Girls) in the Aalim/Aalimah programme.

Twenty-two students are presently in the final year of the Aalim(ah) class and will be graduating, Inshaa Allah, at the end of the school year 06-07.

Al Faadhil Associate Degree Programme

This is an Associate Degree Programme, which has been introduced at Darul Uloom on a part-time basis. It is an extensive course in higher Islamic Studies (such as Tafseer, Hadith and Islamic Law) culminating in an Associate degree in Islamic Studies called the Al Faadhil Associate Degree.

The number of students presently enrolled in this course is eighty.

Hifdh Course

This is a programme where students can fulfill their desire of memorizing the entire Holy Quraan. They are guided through the memorization of the entire Quraan by qualified teachers, thus earning the title of Hafidh of the Quraan.

The number of students in this course is thirty-nine.

Tajweed and Qaari Course

This is a special course in which students are taught to recite the Holy Quraan in the best possible manner with all its rules and regulations. Students are tutored by qualified Qurra of the Holy Quraan and upon successful completion can also qualify as Qurra.

Part-time programmes

Many programmes such as Arabic Language, Tajweed, Quraanic Reading, Hadith Studies, Commentary of the Holy Quraan and Laws of Shariah etc. are offered to the public during the academic year at both the Boys’ and Girls’ Colleges.

Enrolment in the part-time classes is approximately two hundred and fifty.

POST S.E.A. Course

The Darul Uloom Boys’ and Girls’ Colleges conduct a Post S.E.A. Course in Islamic Studies for the last school term after the S.E.A. Examination. This course includes Recitation and Memorization of the Holy Quraan, the Biography of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.), Arabic Language, Islamic History, General Knowledge of Quraan, Hadith and Islamic Jurisprudence on the five pillars of Islam, Mathematics, and English Language.


One of the unique features of the Boys’ and Girls’ Colleges is the boarding facilities which is offered to both foreign and local students.

Students who stay on the compound are able to remain in an Islamic environment which ensures five times salaah etc. Local students stay from Monday to Friday and meals, dormitory and washing facilities are provided. Limited space is available, especially in the Girls’ College so applications should be made early.



The Islamic Laws relating to marriage may be complicated. The Darul Uloom offers specialized counselling for those brothers and sisters who may have problems in their marriage.

This counselling is done in a private manner and all information is treated with the strictest confidentiality.


In order to verify the authenticity of meat and food products which are available for consumption, the Darul Uloom has brought together experts in the Islamic and academic fields who are able to investigate and determine which foods meet the criteria of Halaal. Already many companies have been certified and many others are presently being investigated. It is hoped that these efforts will allow all Muslims to identify and consume halaal foods only. This is a service which is in need not only locally but throughout the Caribbean.


Sighting of the moon is a critical part of a Muslim’s daily life as it affects his religious observances. The Darul Uloom has therefore organized a moon-sighting committee called the Darul Uloom Moon Committee, which communicates with several sub-committees throughout the country and with reputable Islamic organizations and Hilaal committees in the region. Based on information received, the Darul Uloom is able to pronounce the beginning of each Islamic Lunar Month and significant observances throughout the year. This has so far been a great benefit to the entire Muslim population and has gone a long way in fostering unity among the various jamaats and groups in our nation.


The Darul Uloom offers all types of counseling from an Islamic perspective. Our Ulamaa are willing to meet and discuss with members of the public the many social and behavioural problems that occur in our society. Some areas of counseling include parent-child relationship, drug and alcohol abuse, suicidal tendencies, domestic violence, property ownership disagreements etc. Islam has a solution to all of our problems, if only we are able to understand the laws of the Quraan and the teachings of our noble Prophet (S.A.).


Students who have completed the Haafidh course – memorization of the Quraan – are assigned to various Masaajid throughout Trinidad to complete the recitation of the entire Quraan in Taraaweeh Salaah during the month of Ramadaan.


The Darul lftaa is the department of Islamic Religious Verdicts which issues Fatwas (religious verdicts) to the Muslim community at large.

This department has been formed since the initial stages of the Darul Uloom in 1984 and is under the continuous supervision of Darul Uloom Sabeelur Rashaad, Bangalore, India and the Institute of Islamic Jurisprudence, Bradford, England.

The department provides a facility to the public in research and response by answering questions on different aspects of the religion of Islam, such as beliefs, worship, commerce, inheritance, rights, marriage and divorce, custody of children, distribution of property and many other questions and problems which Muslims are confronted with. All answers are given in accordance with the teachings of Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jama’ah and are properly researched by our trained personnel. Muslims are assured that answers from the Darul Iftaa are in accordance with the true and correct teachings of Islam.

The Darul Iftaa also serves the wider Muslim community locally, regionally and internationally with its on-line Fatwa service.


The Darul Uloom researches and print its’ magazine titled ‘Sabeelur Rashaad’ on issues which concerns the Muslim community. Books are also written and compiled under this department of the Darul Uloom.

Today we can see the need for sound knowledge and discipline for our youths and we must carefully decide in whose hands this responsibility is placed. The best knowledge is the knowledge of Islam and the best guidance is the guidance of Allah. As such, we must with urgency, embrace the opportunities for ourselves and our children to learn the religion of Allah and ways of His Prophet, so that we can earn His pleasure.

Finally, we are encouraged to support the activities of the Darul Uloom and contribute financially and otherwise towards the continuation of its many programmes and courses.

Brothers and sisters can support and contribute towards the running expenses; building projects; sponsor a student(s); teachers’ salaries; kitchen expenses; or simple by your pious supplications on behalf of the Darul Uloom as we strive together to establish the Deen of Allah.

A Note Of Thanks

The Darul Uloom wishes to express its deepest gratitude to all its donors, supporters, well wishers and all those who attend our Institute for making us a successful and thriving Institute.

Although the Darul Uloom began in a very simple, humble and small framework, in 1984, today its repute and fame have crossed the borders of the Caribbean Islands and have reached far into the Global regions.

We thank Allah for enabling us to be the only Institute in the entire Caribbean Countries to provide a comprehensive basic, advance and tertiary full time Islamic Education to thousands of students over the world.

We beg Allah to accept all our humble efforts.

We also wish to thank all those brothers and sisters who continued to pray for the well-being of our Principal who recently fell ill. Alhamdulillaah through Allah’s help and your pious supplications Mufti Sahab has recovered and is recuperating well.

We pray to Allah to bless each and every one of you, our donors, supporters, well-wishers and all Muslims.

We ask Allah to reward you immensely on this day of Eid ul Fitr 1427 (AH).

Mufti Waseem Khan
On behalf of Darul Ifta
Darul Uloom Trinidad and Tobago Ltd.