Going to Movies and Cinemas.

Question: Is it permissible to go to movies and cinemas? Answer: It is totally Haraam (unlawful) to go to movies and cinemas. Such places and environments are filled with a tremendous amount of evil and sinful deeds, which can bring about the wrath and punishment […]

Insurance Claims on job.

Question: I am a Muslim adult and a software engineer in profession. I am working for a hospital which is in the USA and which produces many Insurance Claims. If I am not part of those claims but somehow I may be populated with it, […]

Is wearing jeans permissible?

Question: What is the Shari’ah ruling on wearing jeans. Is wearing jeans permissible? Answer: Wa Alaikum as Salaam, It will be permissible for girls to wear loose jeans as trousers when they wear their gowns and Qamees over these (trousers). Wearing long shirts/jerseys alone with […]