Brothers after making their dua, kiss their thumb nails and rub their eyes with it.


Assalaamu Alaikum,

Praise be to Allaah. This email is addressed to Mufti Waseem. I have been attending the Masjid in a certain area in central Trinidad and have observed brothers after making their dua, kiss their thumb nails and rub their eyes with it. One of the brothers seems to be educated. Can you tell me what; if there is any authority for this action. I know long ago Muslims used to practice this. In Canada I have not seen any Muslim practicing this action.

Thank you,

Was Salaam.


Wa Alaikum As Salaam,

This action is an ‘Amal’ (practice) that is done for strengthening the eyesight. Regarding this, the great scholar Shaikh Ashraf Ali Thanwi (AR) has written in his well accepted and reliable book, ‘Remedies from the Holy Quran’ that if a person recites the following verse thrice after every Salaah, blow on the fingers and rub them on the eyes, then the eyesight will not weaken. In fact, any weakness will also disappear. The verse is:-

‘Fa kashafnaa Anka Ghitaa’aka Fa basarukal yawma hadeed’. (Sura Qaf (50) verse22).

This is one’s personal practice and not any established practice after Salaah. It is an ‘amal’ (practice) which has been done by many, who have gained the benefits as stated.

And Allah knows best,
Mufti Waseem Khan
